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The symposium was opened by Gerard Francisco who provided a history of Toxnet, its mission and achievements to date. He presented some research, recently undertaken by the group, that identified and ranked key barriers to accessing quality, evidenced-based post-stroke spasticity management.
Dr Jorge Jacinto introduced the new GO-FAST tool1 that has been developed to meeting one of the key educational needs identified in the research.
Finally, Dr Stefano Carda led a highly interactive session, highlighting the utility of the GO-FAST tool, to identify and select appropriate goals for a complex post-stroke spasticity patient case.
Tap the Chapters icon in the video playback panel for a menu to access a chapter directly.
Chapter 1: A history of Toxnet, mission and achievements to date (Professor Gerard Francisco) [beginning to 12:53]
Chapter 2: An introduction to the GO-FAST tool (Dr Jorge Jacinto) [12:53 – 25:23]
Chapter 3: An interactive presentation of the GO-FAST tool in clinical use (Dr Stefano Carda) [25:23 – 45:16]