- Head of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department at Juan Ramón Jiménez University Hospital. Huelva, Spain.
- Associate Professor. Faculty of Medicine. University of Huelva.
- Director of Master in Neurorehabilitation. CEU University. Madrid, Spain.
- International Site Director & Senior Teaching Assistant. PPCR Course. Department of Executive and Continuing Professional Education. Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.
- Member of the Group of Experts for MSK Conditions. World Health Organization.
He teaches many national and international courses about botulinum toxin, ultrasound and ultrasound guided interventional procedures. His main areas of clinical and research interest include spasticity management, stroke rehabilitation, non invasive brain stimulation, and interventional pain management.

Dr. Carlos Cordero-Garcia
Dr Cordero is Head of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department at Juan Ramón Jiménez University Hospital. Huelva, Spain.
Other team members
Brenda McCleary, an independent consultant, provides general management and scientific support for Toxnet projects.