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M.D., PhD.

Prof. Raphaël Johannes Gross

Dr Raphaël Gross was born on the 22nd September 1980 in Rouen, France. He commenced his medical studies and graduated in Rouen, and then started in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as a trainee in 2005.



Dr Raphaël Gross was born on the 22nd September 1980 in Rouen, France. He commenced his medical studies and graduated in Rouen, and then started in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as a trainee in 2005.

After that he started his career in the University Hospital of Nantes, in France, except for a 6-months fellowship in Oswesrty, UK, for a research project with the NHS, in 2019. His topics are neurorehabilitation in stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy.

Dr Gross runs the gait and movement analysis lab of his hospital, where they perform many instrumental analyses of upper and lower limb dysfunctions, in children and adults of various origins. his research work is particularly oriented towards muscle overactivities in spastic paresis and their assessment and treatment with motor nerve blocks, botulinum toxin, neurotomy, and rehabilitation.

In Nantes, they have recently launched their brand new rehabilitation centre, with up-to-date assessment and rehabilitation devices for all types of patients requiring PM&R due to impairments and activity limitations of pulmonary, cardiac, musculo-skelatal, or neurological origin.

Supported by Merz Therapeutics GmbH

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